Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Cindy Sheehan and the Michael Moore effect

Today's Opinion Journal has a perfectly sharp expose of Cindy Sheehan's planned engagement with the disgraceful dictator-in-waiting Hugo Chavez, thereby cementing her anti-western celebrity. Harry Belafonte has nothing on Cindy.

Again, I can't help but wonder if Cindy is working for the people she publicaly decries as war-criminals. Each time she meets with a Chavez or calls George Bush the "world's biggest terrorist," she marginalizes the left further out of the mainstream of American thought and influence. Perhaps this should be known as the Michael Moore effect. The louder these people speak, the less their interests are served. Turn up the volume!
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez now rivals Fidel Castro as the Western Hemisphere's most visible symbol of anti-Americanism, which explains why "peace activist" Cindy Sheehan is climbing abroad the Venezuelan firebrand's bus. She has announced plans to attend the World Social Forum in Caracas, which kicks off today and will celebrate, among other things, Chavez's Bolivarian Revolution.

The annual "forum," which began in Brazil in 2001 as an anti-globalization conference, is also sometimes referred to as the "carnival of the oppressed." Like most events of its kind, it has become flypaper for the planet's kookiest activists, including many who still espouse the "armed struggle" against capitalism, the "North," whatever. Perhaps the grieving Ms. Sheehan, an avowed peace lover, has been so busy with the makeup artists and the cameras to pay attention to the violence-prone types she's now embracing. But the name of one of the forum's organizers -- Ernesto "Che" Mercado -- could have given the anti-Bush publicity hound a hint. A Latin American revolutionary who takes the moniker of a legendary Cuban executioner is hardly a follower of Gandhi.

Indeed, the Sheehan tour to Caracas belongs in the "you-can't-make-it-up" category: A bitterly outspoken American citizen who has made a career of lambasting her president, she travels abroad to celebrate with a dictator who has thrown his own critics out of work and even put them in prison, stripped the press of its freedom, destroyed property rights and militarized the government. His political supporters are known to be armed and dangerous and many Venezuelans in poor neighborhoods have reported that they are afraid to dissent from the Chavez agenda. Venezuela's arms build-up is frightening his neighbors and threatening regional stability.

We're glad Ms. Sheehan has the freedom to travel abroad. Many of Chavez's critics are denied that right, as are the critics of Castro. But she shouldn't wonder why, when she opens her mouth in the U.S., nobody takes her seriously.

Update: More wonderful news @ Gateway Pundit -
More Democrats Speak Out, Rally Around Cindy, Bash Bill Clinton

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Sunday, January 08, 2006

Mr. Tally Mon, tool of Hugo Chavez

Mr. Harry "Day-o" Belafonte further entrenched his anti-western legacy today, meeting with and praising the dictator-in-the-making and great friend of Iran, Hugo Chavez, happily proclaiming that Bush is indeed a terrorist.

This is same Harry Belafonte who noted "Hitler had a lot of Jews high up in the hierarchy of the Third Reich." The same guy who labled black Republicans as "tyrants." You can't forget his obligatory anti-business zinger: "We have got to bring corporate America to its knees." To service you, Harry, I presume? We're on our knees begging to hear you puppet Chavez's praise of Iran next. You won't let us down - you never have.

Chavez with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

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Get a brain, Moran

Via Michelle Malkin, as seen on a C-Span, broadcasting a town hall meeting in Arlington, Va this week, run by anti-war Democrat Reps. Jim Moran and John Murtha:

"Yes sir my name is Mark Seavey and I just want to thank you for coming up here. Until about a month ago I was Sgt Mark Seavey infantry squad leader, I returned from Afghanistan. My question to you, (applause)

"Like yourself I dropped out of college two years ago to volunteer to go to Afghanistan, and I went and I came back. If I didn't have a herniated disk now I would volunteer to go to Iraq in a second with my troops, three of which have already volunteered to go to Iraq. I keep hearing you say how you talk to the troops and the troops are demoralized, and I really resent that characterization. (applause) The morale of the troops that I talk to is phenomenal, which is why my troops are volunteering to go back, despite the hardships they had to endure in Afghanistan.

"And Congressman Moran, 200 of your constituents just returned from Afghanistan. We never got a letter from you; we never got a visit from you. You didn't come to our homecoming. The only thing we got from any of our elected officials was one letter from the governor of this state thanking us for our service in Iraq, when we were in Afghanistan. That's reprehensible. I don't know who you two are talking to but the morale of the troops is very high."

Watch the video here.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The Wobblies Resurface in New York, Targeting Starbucks and FreshDirect

Today's NY Sun has a front page story highlighting the Industrial Workers of the World, also known as the "Wobblies," attempt to unionize New York City Starbucks and FreshDirect employees.

I always get a kick out of the futile attempts of modern day communists to make a dent (they even utilize Soviet-style art work in their propoganda). In the wake of overwhelming public backlash against the New York Transport Union Workers, the timing and location of this push couldn't be worse.

That effervescent handmaiden of the left, Howard Zinn, cheered that "Wobbly Spirit" way back in 1965.
There is a stirring among the young, and talk of a "new radicalism." The timing could hardly be better...

While the wobblies set about to "abolish the wage system," their progressive impotence is always worth a chuckle.